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Terms and Conditions

Before registering for access, please read through the details below carefully and indicate your acceptance of the terms and conditions by selecting one of the options below.

You will not be able to use the site without accepting the terms and conditions. Upon acceptance, you will be taken to the registration page.

Print Terms and Conditions

1. Username and Password

Your user name and password for the use of this Accuity product is issued under the terms of a subscription agreement between your employer or other subscriber and Accuity. 

Your username and password are for your sole use and must not be shared or transferred.  Accuity may alter usernames and/or passwords from time to time in accordance with our standard security procedures and you will be notified accordingly.

2. Permitted Use  

You acknowledge that unless specifically agreed otherwise by Accuity your use of this product is limited to the following activities carried out for the purpose of the internal business of the subscriber;

(a) search, interrogation, and display of data on screen primarily for your exclusive use;
(b) making a limited number of printouts of items  of data using the printing commands contained in the product;
(c) down-load and storage in machine readable format single copies of insubstantial portions of data; and
(d) down-load and storage of a single copy of relevant data for the subscriber’s audit and regulatory purposes but not for any other purpose.  

Where additional terms and conditions relating to the license of credit ratings and other third party data are relevant to your use of the product you agree to comply with such terms and conditions.

3. Prohibited Uses

You agree not to;

(a) use any part of the product  to prepare or compile directories, database, mailing lists or other derivative works without the prior written permission of Accuity;
(b) use automated applications or software to access, search or download material from the product.
(c)to permit anyone without a username or password issued by Accuity to use or have access to the product or any part of the data on a local area network, a wide area network or on any intranet or extranet;
(d) remove any copyright or other proprietary rights notice contained or included in the product; or
(e) to use or authorise the use of the software incorporated in the product other than as part of the product.

4. Cookies

In order to restrict use of this product within the terms of use of the subscription agreement we will set permanent cookies on the hard disk of your computer. These cookies will also enable you to log in automatically.  Additionally, we set session cookies to enable you to use the product conveniently. These cookies will expire when you close your browser. To find out more about our use of cookies please refer to our privacy policy.